an historical battlefield of the German-French war in 1806 near Jena–Auerstedt,
ceramicists and musicians worked together under the theme of “Home”.
Their materials were earth/clay and melodies, which symbolised the outer
and inner home of mankind. The artists came from Germany and France
as well as from other countries which have more recently been in conflict.
Their co-operative work is seen as an opportunity for healing.
theme is weighted by the fact that the emotions grow stronger, and multiply
until they are no longer bearable. Only the work itself is then able
to answer the impossible questions. Three weeks work, in order to understand,
to live next to one another, on a virtual territory that only exists
at the limits. (…) There is no truth, no real moment. The moment
of being together, hands and feet in the earth and ears pinned to the
note. Only our work can offer us this brotherhood. “
Philippe Godderidge, participating ceramicist
text - german | france

for the exhibition opening on the 8th of July 2006 in the Kulturhof
Krönbacken in Erfurt
Introduction, historical background and art critical impressions of
the projects from Prof. Dr. Kai Uwe Schierz, Director of the Kunsthalle
The ceramic work is currently exhibited in the Wasserburg, Kapellendorf.
open Tuesday - Sunday 10 - 17 o’clock +49 (0) 3 64 25/ 2 24 85
The music is available on CD and can be ordered via [music]
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] © International Music and Ceramic symposium Kapellendorf
2006 |